
Pale Ale with Citra hops
Shad is our rock star dog having run the famous Iditarod sled dog race. However, like some celebrities, he could be aloof and even arrogant at times. In fact he really felt like he was better than other dogs – and he was. So in Shad’s arrogant spirit we have brewed a pale ale with Citra hops that we frankly feel is better than the others.
7.2 ABV // 42 IBUS // 7 SRM
Double IPA brewed with spruce
“Reminiscent of the essence of pine wafting in the breeze as you stroll through the forest on a cool, crisp winter’s evening…” What? Really? Lothar (“The Biter”) would sooner, well bite you, then listen to you extol the virtues of the pine forest. This Black Husky innovation is not so subtle – and it’s not meant to be. Brewed with locally harvested spruce tips and tracking in at 106 IBUs this aggressive double IPA won’t leave you wondering if you caught a whiff of pine; rather you’ll know you bulldozed through the forest and came out on the other side – the dark side – the Black Husky side.
8.6 ABV // 106 IBUS // 10 SRM
Pale Ale with Mosaic hops
Loki, the patriarch of the kennel was a dopey dog who always was a little out in left field. Fiercely loyal with a great work ethic but not much athletic talent, he did have a strong spirit and around his pack he was the boss. In tribute to the dichotomy that was Loki, we bring you Dogfather, a juicy yet not aggressively hopped pale ale brewed with Mosaic hops.
6.8 ABV // 42 IBUS // 7 SRM
Deck Dog
Our version of a German pilsner
Everyone should have a deck dog, and Rinky is ours. We in the northwoods brave the long winter with our wood heat and country ways and wait eagerly for the warm and sunny days of summer. No one is more eager to hit the deck and work on her tan than Rinky. Many ideas, most nonsensical, are concocted while sitting on the deck and Rinky, being the true companion she is, is careful not to point out the flaws in our plans. She is happy instead to sit by our side and offer encouragement for the small price of a pat on the head.
5.8 ABV // 38 IBUS // 3 SRM
The Original Black Husky Pale Ale
Pale Ale with Simcoe hops
Black Husky Pale Ale, our flagship beer, is a beer worthy of THE Black Husky, Howler. Like Howler, our Pale Ale does not let others define its style, so while some say it’s an IPA we say, “whatever – just drink it already.” What it is, is an excellent beer! With a straightforward grain bill and hop schedule it is dry-hopped with copious amounts of hops. Oh, and one more thing – DO NOT CELLAR; this is a hop forward beer and should be drank early and often.
7.2 ABV // 48 IBUS // 7 SRMSeasonal

White IPA
Angel was a painfully shy dog but she loved Jake the moment she met him. When Jake left home Angel would mournfully howl, letting him know she missed him and was watching over him; we all hoped he was safe and happy. Schutzengel means Guardian Angel and is dedicated to those who need someone to watch over them or have a loved one they are missing.
7.4 ABV // 23 IBUS // 4 SRM
Robust Milk Stout brewed with lactose
OIHF you say??? Pronounced Oooiiifff, an obvious acronym for Outstanding In His Field, our Milk Stout, like BB, is outstanding in its field! BB is one of a kind and his cow friends are in awe of his ability to produce a Milk Stout that is at the same time a little sweet (BB thinks he’s a lap dog) but with a little fight just to keep things interesting (just that once, but it wasn’t his fault!). Our Milk Stout will take you on a pleasant stroll through the pastures, but beware – you might end up out standing in a field.
8 ABV // 18 IBUS // 36 SRM
Okay, so Rosamunde is obviously not a Husky sled dog. She does however have a German name and was insistent on wearing her lederhosen (instead of her dirndl) in honor of our son Jacob, who in 1991 at 10 years of age was crowned Jodlerkönig (Jodeling King) when he won the jodeling contest at Milwaukee’s German Fest. Jodlerkönig is brewed in the spirit of the German and American fest beers. No fest is complete without a jodler, so join Rosamunde as she extends Gemütlichkeit to all her friends as they raise a stein of Jodlerkönig. Prost!
6.1 ABV // 20 IBUS // 11 SRM
Harvel The Marvel
Ale brewed with honey
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No, It’s Harvel the Marvel leading his team of sled dogs on a wild ride through the forest! Harvey, AKA Harvel the Marvel, was our very own Superhero to be sure. The most unlikely of sled dogs, Harvey was gigantic, both in size and in spirit. The H on Harvey’s chest could stand for Honest, as Harvey was true to himself and his team, always eager to pitch in and run anywhere in the team he was needed. Harvey taught us the lessons of a life well lived with honesty and enthusiasm; values we strive for at Black Husky.
7.6 ABV // 21 IBUS // 7 SRM
Big Buck Brown
Ale brewed with maple syrup
This beer is our best effort to save the White-tailed Deer, providing all you hunter-types the perfect opportunity to sit back, relax in your cabin, put your feet up, tell tall tales, yet still save face and go back to your peoples with your head held high. In sincere honesty you can tell them “This year I got a Big Buck…” Nikki, our rescue dog, had a rough life before we met him, yet learned to trust us, even patiently posing with fake antlers while we shot the perfect pose (with our camera!). Certainly, you too can sacrifice - have a Big Buck Brown when you’re supposed to be hunting in the cold, harsh woods. You’ll honor his memory by saving a deer. If you need more incentive, it’s brewed with maple syrup so you can consider it breakfast.
8 ABV // 20 IBUS // 30 SRMBeware Of The Dog

Twelve Dog
Imperial Stout
In the lower 48, 12-dog racing is king. To honor that tradition, our Imperial Stout uses 12 malts. In harness each dog brings a unique personality, providing an unpredictable & exciting ride! A Lead dog guides the adventure and while Rosie is smallest in stature, she has the largest personality and is the natural representative for this intensely flavored, full-bodied beer–a bit over the top, as is Rosie. She wears her crown proudly!
9.9 ABV // 40 IBUS // 45 SRM
Three Scrutineers
Belgian style Tripel
For centuries, three Scrutineers, or voting judges, have been chosen by the College of Cardinals to assist with the election of the new Pope. It is the duty of the three Scrutineers to carefully examine, count and secure each ballot. While Knight, Papa and Fish’s scrutiny of this beer is not nearly as time-honored a tradition nor as complex a process, they have taken their responsibility seriously (well except maybe for the Pope hats…) and challenge you to do the same. Pope hats are optional, but highly recommended.
8.4 ABV // 19 IBUS // 4 SRM
St. Nikkilaus
Spiced Christmas Ale
Nikki is the most unlikely of candidates to wear a silly Santa hat and be the spokesdog for our Christmas beer as he came to us from a musher who had treated him unkindly. Over time Nikki learned that there is some good in this world; that there is love and there is kindness and there is charity to be found on this earth – and after all, is that not the true spirit of Christmas?
8.4 ABV // 19 IBUS // 30 SRM
Sparkly Eyes
Imperial Sproose
The role of the New Earth Army is to resolve conflict worldwide. One of the techniques utilized is Sparkly Eyes which psychically gives the disinclination to attack others. You can see Lothar practicing this technique which may be followed by non-lethal methods of conflict should Sparkly Eyes fail to be effective. We have developed Sparkly Eyes Imperial Sproose so you too can adopt the peaceful ways of the Warrior Monk on your journey to being a Jedi of the New Earth Army.
10.2 ABV // 60 IBUS // 12 SRM
Smoke Monster
Smoked beer
Smokey is a dog not quite right in the head, some might even say insane. One of her most beloved activities is digging a deep hole in the ground and barking into it for hours on end. We aren’t quite sure what she’s looking for but we suspect she is looking to take on the Smoke Monster. If anyone could defeat the Smoke Monster it would be Smokey so we offer you Smoke Monster in recognition of her tireless efforts.
9.6 ABV // 19 IBUS // 18 SRM
S.M.A.S.H. with honey
You don’t name a brewery after a dog (Black Husky Brewing named after Howler) unless he’s an exceptional dog. Not that Howler listened exceptionally well, or was an exceptionally good sled dog – he sucked! But he was a dog who lived his life as we all hope to live – with grace, integrity and character. Howler’s philosophy could best be put in the words “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. Oh wait, there’s a beer. OK.” Howler once said to me, “Don’t get pushed around, have some dignity, enjoy the buffet, a good beer and take time for naps.”
10 ABV // 60 IBUS // 7 SRM
Akira is truly an original. A tiny dog with a strong personality–some say a bad attitude, but we prefer to think she’s headstrong. Late in life, she’s been confined to the house, but when she wants out–she’s going out! She’ll butt her head against the door until it opens. So here’s to all of us diminutive creatures, who like Akira, won’t take “No” for an answer, but keep butting our heads until we get what we want.
10.2 ABV // 56 IBUS // 28 SRM
Harold The Red
Malty Imperial Red
Nothing that is felt about Harry can be put into words. We simply offer you our Imperial Red in remembrance of Harry and all that he was and meant to us. Either you understand that or you don’t – either way “belly up to the bar” and have one in memory of Harold and whomever your Harold might be. P.S. For those of you looking for the interminable beer description, Harry would have said “What part of Imperial Red don’t you understand?”
9.4 ABV // 34 IBUS // 15 SRM