Big Buck Brown

Ale brewed with maple syrup
This beer is our best effort to save the White-tailed Deer, providing all you hunter-types the perfect opportunity to sit back, relax in your cabin, put your feet up, tell tall tales, yet still save face and go back to your peoples with your head held high. In sincere honesty you can tell them “This year I got a Big Buck…” Nikki, our rescue dog, had a rough life before we met him, yet learned to trust us, even patiently posing with fake antlers while we shot the perfect pose (with our camera!). Certainly, you too can sacrifice - have a Big Buck Brown when you’re supposed to be hunting in the cold, harsh woods. You’ll honor his memory by saving a deer. If you need more incentive, it’s brewed with maple syrup so you can consider it breakfast.
8 ABV // 20 IBUS // 30 SRM